Wednesday, November 25, 2009

WhaT Is LOVE ??

“ What is LOVE? ”

This is the most difficult question for the mankind. This question always hears from people to people. "问世间,情为何物”, this phrase often appear in the movie or drama. It can’t deny that I did not asking about this question before=p

Can I says human is a weird animal?? We are full of love, hate, like, dislike, happiness, sadness..blablabla..But this also can found in others animal like cat, dog or monkey.

This world is full of LOVE =)

God giving us love, parents giving us love, friends around us are giving us love. Love is given from people to people. This statement we all know. Let's see the question below.

What is love between boy and girl relationship??

--> If you have good feeling with someone, is it meaning you love him or her?

--> Is it our heart will beat very fast when we see the person we love? Which is always showing in the drama or movie?

--> If we fall in love, is it we will miss him or her every day?

--> Is it we love him or her because of the beauty or background?

--> Is it we cannot live without him or her?

--> No matter where he or she is, he or she always on our mind?

--> bla bla bla

Love between boy and girl is beautiful. This feeling is weird and amazing.

As what they said

--> If he or her belongs to you then is belongs to you. Nobody and nothing can separate both of you.

--> Love does not regard or related with the ages, appearance, attitude, background, rich or poor of a person…some people even do not mind the sex of a person.

--> It happened according to your feeling. This feeling only can find and appear between both of you.

--> If he or she happy then you will feel happy. If he or she feel sad, you will feel sad too.

--> bla bla bla

If u asking me what is love, my answer is = you will figure it out yourself one day.

Haha =D

Hope you all will find your true love soon. Who already found then I wish you all will have an everlasting love.


Yo friends, you can give some feed back or share about your love story here..hoho

Thanks =)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

UnForgettable Competition in My LIFE

Me, a gal who like to sing..

Since I was in primary, I started to fall in love in singing.

When I was in primary 2, my friends and I were chosen by our form teacher to represent our class for participated in a singing competition. I told my mom that I had been chosen for singing competition. My mom was shocked and didn't believe me; she called my friends and asked for the truth. My mom is funny right? =)

The song that I choose is named "6 cute yellow duck".

This is the 1st competition in my life. My mom bought a beautiful dress for me and i was dressed up as a "little princess" with the "rabbit" hair style which designed by mom ( izit the most fashion hair style??haha ). It can’t deny that I was nervous on that day; it was my 1st time on stage.

Now I am going to tell u all the "funny" part.

While I was singing, the tag (number for participant) on my dress was blew away, maybe I did not pin it probably. Goshhh, I turned my head and looking the tag for a few seconds but I still continue sang while looking the tag and without facing the microphone. OMG, I think the audiences and the judges couldn't listen what I was singing.

Now it comes to the time for giving prizes. "Wong Chai Ing", my name was called, MY GOD, I couldn’t believed it, I saw the teacher with the big trophy in her hand and she was going to give the trophy to me. Suddenly, another teacher called her and told her that she was giving wrong prize..(*-*!!)

At last, I got the consolation prize which contains a dozen of exercise book. My mom and sis told me that they were shocked while saw the teacher was holding the trophy..but that trophy is not belongs to me..haha

What a funny ending but I was proud that I am so brave that time, dare to sing on the stage.

Enjoy my "funny" story =)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

ow..My 1st Post

An neun ha se yo,

start with the old-fashioned sentence 1st-->WElcome to view my BLOG=)

y i will create this blog??
-influence by my friend, especially the one who name "sushi"...she always show me her friends, lengzai's and lenglui's blog..for sure, she herself hav a blog too.. i am doing practical in my after working hours, i--> eat, sleep, watch drama, facebooking, chatting, shopping, bla bla bla, so now i can blogging too..haha
-my friends can find the "updated" me easier beside facebook..
-wana intro u all food, place, songs blablabla..handsome guys??pretty gals??
-can i gossip here??haha on

end with the old-fashioned sentence--> Thanks for viewing my BLOG=)